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Reasons to Be Thankful for Dogs

November 15, 2020

Thanksgiving is coming up fast. Don’t forget to get Fido a special treat. Dogs are definitely something to be thankful for! A local Washington DC veterinarian lists a few reasons why in this article.

Unconditional Love

Dogs don’t judge us for how much we make, what we wear, or how we look. Fido’s affection is unconditional and unwavering. In a world where even the closest friendships can collapse suddenly, that’s definitely something to appreciate. 


This has been a rough year for many, and our canine companions have stood faithfully beside us through all of it. It’s not uncommon for Fido to outlast jobs, cars, and even relationships. That complete, absolute devotion is a truly beautiful and special thing, and something we are truly grateful for. 

Comedic Relief

Fido is definitely a very fun pet. It’s hard not to chuckle at our canine buddies’ cute quirks. It’s also fun just watching them be dogs. Man’s Best Friend is also quite hilarious to watch when he’s bounding after his favorite toy, doing that happy dance pups do when they get excited, or just rolling around on his back, hoping for belly rubs. 


One of the reasons that we became so fond of dogs in the first place was because they helped protect our properties and livestock. Our canine friends still look out for us, and have even risked themselves to save people’s lives. And while a Chihuahua may not be much of a guard dog, even small breeds will bark to let their humans know that there’s someone at the door. 

Cute Factor

Puppies are almost impossibly cute. However, our furry pals really never stop being adorable. Fido may be at his cutest when he’s happily thumping his tail, but he’s also pretty charming when he’s running, playing, or just napping in his doggy bed.


One thing we can say about dogs: they really do make us better people. Fido has a special way of reminding us to just enjoy life. Just seeing how happy dogs get with something as simple as a new toy, a car ride, or a piece of bacon is great inspiration. It’s also a wonderful reminder of the importance of enjoying the little things in life. 

Happy Thanksgiving! Please reach out to us, your Washington DC pet hospital, for all of your canine pal’s veterinary care needs. 

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