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National Dachshund Day

June 15, 2023

Hot Dog! There’s a pretty cute pet holiday around the corner. June 21st is National Dachshund Day! These charming pups—also known as Sausage Dogs or Weiner Dogs—got to claim the longest day of the year for their celebration, because they’re (proportionally) the longest dogs out there. A Washington DC vet goes over some fun facts about Fido below.

Dog With A Job

The Dachshund has been charming us for roughly 600 years. Fido was originally bred to hunt burrowing animals, such as badgers. In fact, the word Dachshund translates to ‘Badger Dog.’ Doxies were actually so good at this that packs of them were used to hunt wild boar which, as you may know, is one of the most vicious wild animals out there. Fido trotted into the ranks of the AKC in 1885, along with 14 other breeds that were officially recognized that year.


Today the Dachshund is mostly a companion dog, one with some very, very devoted fans. Personality-wise, you’ll find that Fido is fun, frisky, and, well, a bit stubborn. Dachshunds’ badger-hunting origins are definitely hardwired into them: these guys can’t help chasing after small animals. (They also love ‘hunting’  tennis balls.) As far as training goes, E.B. White, author of the beloved children’s book Charlotte’s Web,  sums the Doxie up pretty well, saying “I would rather train a striped zebra to balance an Indian club than induce a Dachshund to heed my slightest command.” 


One great thing about Dachshunds? They’re quite easy to care for. Their coats require minimal grooming. And, because they have such little legs, they don’t need a whole lot of activity or exercise.

There are a few things to be aware of as far as Fido’s care needs. One thing that is important to know is that the Dachshund is prone to back injuries, which can lead to paralysis. Make sure to set out pet ramps for your pooch to get on and off beds and couches (assuming he’s allowed) and be very careful when picking him up or putting him down. Ask your vet for specific care tips. 


So, how does one honor Fido? Well, grilling some hot dogs wouldn’t be a bad option. You can also post pics of your cute pet on social media. Share the Doxie love! 

As your Washington DC pet hospital, we’re always here to help. Contact us anytime! 

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