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Taking Your Work to Your Cat

June 15, 2020

Have you been working at home recently? If so, you’re in good company. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, more people are telecommuting than ever before. There definitely are some great pluses to working remotely. You can skip the drive, work in comfy clothes, and spend more time with your cat. Of course, Fluffy isn’t always the best co-worker. A local Washington DC vet offers some tips on taking your work to your kitty in this article.

Kitty Proof Desk

Cats definitely have a knack for mischief. Fluffy can wreak all sorts of havoc at your desk! While your cute pet may amuse herself by smacking pens onto the floor, not all of her shenanigans may be that harmless. This is one reason we recommend using spill-proof cups. You don’t want your furball knocking your water bottle onto your keyboard!


Kitties are very playful, which is one of their most adorable traits. However, Fluffy can be a bit of a distraction if she starts attacking your shoelaces while you are on a conference call. Take time to play with your cat before you start work. Hopefully, you’ll tire your feline pal out, so she spends the day snoozing.


Speaking of snoozing, it’s probably safe to say that Fluffy will spend all or most of the day napping on or near you. Need a kitty trap? Consider putting a box on or near your desk. Chances are, your furball will hop right in, and immediately fall asleep.


One great thing about cats is the fact that they’re always (well, almost always) willing to offer cuddles and love. Being able to pet your furry friend throughout the day is definitely a huge perk of working remotely. Your kitty may also hop onto your lap, or just sit beside you and stare at you until you pet her. That’s just Fluffy’s way of helping!

Cats And Computers

Cats have a rather interesting relationship with computers. Many of them see laptops as, well, beds. Is It’s not a bad idea to set your screen-lock time to something short, such as 30 seconds. That way, if you get up, Fluffy will only have a few moments to delete your files or video-dial your boss!

Please contact us, your local Washington DC vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

Poison Prevention Week starts March 20th. This is a very important topic for anyone with pets. There are over 232,000 cases of pet poisonings in the US every year! Our furry friends don't know what is and isn't safe for them, so you'll need to take some precautions to keep your beloved pet safe. A Washington DC vet lists some ways to prevent pet poisoning in this article. Keep Cabinets Locked Many toxic chemicals and household products are stored in cabinets, often underneath sinks. Keeping these locked is a simple step that can prevent tragedy. Keep in mind that your four-legged friend doesn't have to actually eat or drink these substances. Because most animals lick themselves clean, they only need to walk through it or get it spilled on their fur to ingest it. Choose Non-Toxic Plants Plants are one of the most common culprits when it comes to pet poisoning. While there are many that are dangerous to all pets, others are more toxic to some animals than to others. For instance, lilies are extremely dangerous to cats, while Sago palms are a huge risk for dogs. Check the ASPCA site here for a list of safe and unsafe plants. Know The Warning Signs Although the signs of poison ingestion can vary, depending on the pet and the type and amount of substance involved, there are some common red flags to look for. These include vomiting, drooling, lethargy, agitation, restlessness, trembling, collapse, unusual vocalizations, and diarrhea. Pale gums are also a warning sign, as is a rapid heartbeat or shallow breathing. Cats may withdraw, while dogs may pace or whimper. It’s worth noting that while these things can be indicative of many medical issues, they should always constitute a call to the vet. Understand The Dangers It's also important to know what is and isn't poisonous. Some things, such as household chemicals, antifreeze, and rodenticides, are well-known. Others? Not so much. For instance, many people don’t know that a single grape or raisin can be extremely dangerous to dogs. Medication is also a common source of poisoning. Ask your vet for more information. Training This one applies more to dogs, of course. However, consider teaching Fido to Leave It. This simple command could help prevent tragedy! Do you have questions about your pet's health or safety? Contact us, your Washington DC animal clinic, today!

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