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Tips for Playing With Your Dog

May 15, 2020

Did you know that playing with your dog is good for both of you? Fido needs activity and stimulation, and there’s no better way for him to get these things than through fun play sessions. It’s also good for you both to get out and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. Read on as a local Washington DC vet offers some tips on playing with your dog.

Make It Routine

Dogs thrive on routine. Make it a point to play with Fido every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. If possible, play with your pup at the same time every day. After a post-dinner walk is a good time. If you leave your canine pal home alone while you go to work, try to play with him right before you leave. If your pooch is tired out, he’ll probably spend a good chunk of the morning napping, which will make the time go by faster for him.

Don’t Encourage Aggression

Playing is great, but some dogs do take it a bit too seriously. If Fido has any sort of aggressive tendencies, avoid things like Tug O War, as this could get him a bit too riled up.

Choose Appropriate Toys

When choosing dog toys, be sure to stick with things that are the right size for your furry pal. Products made for small dogs may not be safe for bigger pooches, and vice versa. We also recommend avoiding things that were made overseas. Some countries don’t have strict—or any—safety guidelines for pet products.

Pick Appropriate Activities

Our canine companions are all different, and they all have their own unique needs. Some dogs should not be encouraged to jump or stand on their back legs. Others can get winded very quickly, which makes any kind of exertion dangerous. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Have Fun

Playing with Fido may be just as entertaining for you as it is for him. It’s always adorable to see a cute pooch hard at play! Enjoy this special time with your canine buddy. If there’s one thing dogs are good at, it’s putting smiles on our faces! After all, tail wags and puppy kisses make even the toughest day a bit better.

Please contact us, your Washington DC vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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