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Helping Your Cat Stay Cool This Summer

July 1, 2018

Summer is here! At this time of year, it’s important to keep a close eye on your cat, and keep her comfortable. This can be a dangerous time of year for kitties! Read on as a local Hyattsville, MD vet offers some tips on helping Fluffy beat the heat.


Make sure that Fluffy always has access to fresh, clean water. You may want to consider getting your furball a kitty fountain or an automated waterer. Be sure to clean your cute pet’s bowls every day, so they don’t start to harbor dangerous bacteria. You can drop an ice cube into your cat’s bowl on really hot days.

Keep Kitty In

We always recommend keeping cats indoors. Fluffy faces some very serious dangers outside, such as cars, weather, and wild animals, including gators. Keep your furball safe and sound in rooms cooled by fans or air conditioners. If you do let your feline pal out, limit her outdoor time during the hottest parts of the day.


Brushing your furry friend regularly can also help her stay cooler in hot weather. This will remove dead fur and dander from Fluffy’s coat. These things can make cats rather itchy, and they also decrease the insulating properties of their fur. (Bonus: this is a great way to pamper your kitty, and spend time with her!)

Cool Snacks

Keeping your cat hydrated is very important! Fresh water, as noted above, is crucial here. However, you can also offer Fluffy some cat milk or sodium-free broth as a treat.

Ice Cube

Did you know that cats use their paw pads to regulate their temperature? Put an ice cube on the floor before your feline buddy, so she can play a game of ‘pawkey’ if she likes. This is a great way to both entertain Fluffy and keep her cool!

Cool Bed

While cats are pretty good at getting comfortable, there’s no reason we can’t help them out a bit. Make Fluffy a kitty hammock by tying a piece of sturdy fabric to the legs of a table or end table. You can also put a cool water bottle or frozen towel in your furry pal’s bed, or point a sturdy fan at it.

As your local Hyattsville, MD vet clinic, we are happy to provide excellent veterinary care for cats. Please feel free to call us anytime!

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